Furniture, on the other hand, may last for
centuries. I think about this a lot as I'm crafting a new chair, table, or
bookcase. I wonder sometimes which of my kids will take it after I'm gone,
or which of their kids will take it after they're gone. I wonder
whether it might wind up in a twenty-third century antique store, still
bearing my maker's mark. I wonder what kind of homes and lives it will
witness, what children might grow up with it in their midst. Alternately, I
wonder sometimes whether it might show up in some Goodwill Thrift Store a
century or more from now, or--worse--become the very last piece of firewood
used by some hapless guy trying vainly to stave off the ravages of a nuclear
winter.This set of pages will cover how I've built
several projects I've already completed, and will follow a couple in
progress. For this section, I'm providing build diaries for a Stickley-style
Morris Chair, a Shaker Library Table, A Curved-Leg/Floating Top Table, and a
Sam Maloof-Inspired Sculpted Walnut Rocking Chair.
I hope you'll enjoy each of these projects
I've built, and may even find here the inspiration to build some beautiful
wood projects of your own!